June 8, 2004
PARIS, June 8 /PRNewswire/ — Paradigm(TM), the premier provider of advanced petroleum geoscience and drilling technology to the oil and gas exploration and production industry, and Silicon Graphics (NYSE: SGI) announce that Paradigm’s new epos(TM) 3.0-based product suite is now available on the Intel(R) Itanium(R) 2 processor-based SGI(R) Altix(R) system.
June 7, 2004
SOUTH Australia’s universities and government have poured $4.5 million into a 160-processor supercomputer that will allow them to run calculations for complex research at a rate equivalent to 830 billion calculations a second.
The 830 gigaflop Silicon Graphics Altix, running on 1.3GHz Intel Itanium processors, is one of only two in Australia. The other is in Queensland.
June 7, 2004
PONTIAC, Mich., June 7 /PRNewswire/ — Automation Alley, Southeast Michigan’s regional technology cluster, has partnered with the National Automotive Center (NAC) in an effort to increase collaboration and business opportunities between the Army and Automation Alley member companies. The NAC, which is a part of the United States Army’s Tank-Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center, works to link industry, academia and government in the development and exchange of automotive technologies that will benefit all sectors.
June 7, 2004
To achieve higher resolution weather models that produce extremely precise forecasts for United States military operations all over the world, the U.S. Navy’s Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC) has again turned to Silicon Graphics (NYSE: SGI). FNMOC has added to its arsenal of SGI(R) Origin(R) family supercomputers a recently purchased SGI(R) Origin(R) 3900 supercomputer, additional service and support, and on-site SGI Professional Services.
June 7, 2004
Silicon Graphics (nyse: SGI – news – people ) led the Infoimaging Index for the second week in a row, gaining 8.5% last week.