A Dummy's Guide to PBXing and Hacking Answer Machines.
A PBX is a Private Branch Exchange, when a Company has More than 1 line they use there Own Exchange to control the Lines Incoming and outgoing calls Pass through the Exchange, Including Direct Dial Extension Numbers, The Exchange Tells the Call what line to Ring.
A Maridian Exchange, How do you Hack them? Okay Scanning 0800 Numbers Best place to Find them is Boaring, but some one has to do it! Best time to scan is after 8pm so the Office your ringing is hopfully closed. Best to pick a range of numbers to scan instead of at random! I.e. 0800 235 000, then 0800 235 001, keep going until you have done 999 Numbers can take from 1-3 hours to try this many numbers and most of them will be Not Connected to Any Number!!
When an answer machine Picks up, to see if its a Exchange of some sort Dial 9 while the recording is being played, if its a maridian it will probably reply to you " The Call Sender Command Cannot Be used at this time!" This does not mean it is not hackable, While the Recordings speaking the second time dial 09 Telephone Number then # thats the quickest way of seeing if its an Unlocked PBX.
Its Not Ileagal to Use a PBX if its 1.Has no Warning message at the begining, 2.Is Not Pin number or Password Protected, ( Companys Own Fault )
Thats Basicly how to find a PBX, other ways they may have to dial out that I know off are
1 - 9 - NUMBER - #
09 - NUMBER - #
*9 - NUMBER - #They are only a few examples, although I think the Exchange owner can set there exchange to dial out how they want it to, Stops Hackers!!!
Okay Answer Phones, " THANK YOU FOR CALLING, GOOD BYE!" Ever heard that when ya been scanning? Well that is a Good type of Anser maching to hack Example 0500 700 700, ( Althoug due to the Message being changed several times i think its now ofline ) or 0800 181 000
To Hack these, My Method is ( and it works! ) See how long the Mesage is. Dial Back then dial 010101010101 until the mesage ends, Estimate it.. Then hold down the 1 key for about 5 Seconds, If the Anwer machine is open, it will say " PLEASE PRESS 1 for PLAYBACK, PLEASE PRESS 2 FOR ANOTHER FUNCTION"
Okay the Functions are 1 play back, lets you listen to all the Recorded mesages, Hit 2 for other Functions some of which are
RESET the Answer Machine.
RECORD O.G.M, Record the Message you Hear when you first dial the Number wait for the Long tone before you start 7 to start and 9 to end.. Great for Wind ups ( THIS IS THE GAY LINE DIAL XXXX )SWICH OFF, Does what it says it turns the Answer Machine off..
There are several other functions, just keep pressing 2 to hear them all. But Be warned I do think this is Ilegal!!! hehehe So fucking what eh?
A couple of other interesting numbers are! 1611,1621,1601 Dial these Direct from a BT Line Hack Phune!!!!