Up: SGI misc Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Next: -2- What about the SGI FAQs and the World Wide Web?
Previous: Introduction
Subject: -1- How can I quickly find the information I want in the SGI
Date: 11 Feb 1995 00:00:01 EST
- The FAQs follow the RFC1153 recommendations for message digests and
thus can be viewed easily with newsreaders that understand message
- Each question has a Subject: line, so you can easily step through
the answers with rn's ^G command.
- Each question is marked with a "dash number dash" so that you can
find any answer with a simple search pattern.
- Questions marked with a '+' in the subject line are new this
posting; those marked with a '!' have significant new content since
the last posting. Similarly, '+' and '!' in the left margin mark
added or changed text. Questions marked with a '-' in the subject
line will be removed in the next edition or so unless someone
convinces us otherwise.
- Don't forget about text searching! There's an excellent chance the
information you want is in the FAQs, but not obvious from the table
of contents. Every file viewer, editor and WWW browser has a way of
finding arbitrary text in a file.
Up: SGI misc Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Next: -2- What about the SGI FAQs and the World Wide Web?
Previous: Introduction