Up: SGI misc Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Previous: -22- Can I run Windows NT on my Indigo or Indy?
Subject: -23- Credits
Date: Mon Mar 19 16:08:47 CST 2001
The comp.sys.sgi FAQs are the joint effort of the SGI FAQ group
Kevin Glueck kglueck@viz.tamu.edu
James Hayasaka jamesh@2tone.org
and its alumni
Gavin Bell gavin@sgi.com SGI inventor FAQ
Kevin Brokaw kevinb@sgi.com SGI impressario FAQ
Dale Chayes dale@ldeo.columbia.edu
Bryan James bryanj@spiff.esd.sgi.com SGI audio FAQ
Larry McDonough lardog@thepound.asd.sgi.com SGI inventor FAQ
Michael Portuesi portuesi@sgi.com SGI movie FAQ
Steve Rikli sr@sgi.com
Allan Schaffer aschaffe@sgi.com
Dave Schweisguth dcs@proton.chem.yale.edu
Dave Story story@sgi.com SGI impressario FAQ
Paul Walmsley ccshag@cclabs.missouri.edu
Special thanks are due to
Tom Davis Author of the 'zip' editor (now 'jot')
Craig Hammack Viz Lab webmaster emeritus
Mark Kirk Viz Lab sysadmin emeritus
Harry Mangalam Maintainer of the comp.sys.sgi.* WAIS database
Dave Olson comp.sys.sgi.*'s one-man TAC
Steve Rikli Viz Lab sysadmin emeritus
Dave Sills Moderator of comp.sys.sgi.announce
Dave Walvoord Viz Lab sysadmin emeritus
Matt Wicks Moderator of comp.sys.sgi.announce emeritus
Finally, much thanks to all of the SGI employees on Usenet, who have
provided gigabytes of helpful information.
Credits for individual contributions are given in the answers.
Up: SGI misc Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Previous: -22- Can I run Windows NT on my Indigo or Indy?