All about the SGI FAQs
The Silicon Graphics Frequently Asked Questions lists, a.k.a. the SGI FAQs,
are a collection of questions often asked in
the comp.sys.sgi.* Usenet newsgroups,
with answers. They try to be a useful reference for
experienced SGI users as well as to reduce Frequently Asked
Questions from novices.
Here are the SGI FAQs in several flavors. Pick your favorite:
The SGI FAQs are posted to
on the 6th and 20th of each month.
The SGI area of the
Viz Lab's
anonymous FTP site includes
the FAQs themselves
as well as many of the files referenced by the FAQs and other
SGI-related gleanings from Usenet.
(Unfortunately, at this writing rejects FTP connections
from Netscape. Use 'ftp', Mosaic or lynx.)
The SGI FAQs are also automatically archived, as are most FAQs, at and its mirrors
and at several places on the World
Wide Web.
The SGI misc(ellaneous) FAQ
(not this page!) is the primary source of information about the FAQs
themselves, as well as a helpful reference on the comp.sys.sgi.* Usenet
newsgroups, the corresponding mailing lists and other networked
resources for SGI users.
The SGI FAQs are maintained by
the SGI FAQ group.
You can reach us at
Although we're always looking for comments on the FAQs, please remember
that we're not a help line. We used to send this
form letter to people who asked inappropriate
questions, but these days we just ignore them.
Maintainers of other FAQs may be interested in the
tools we use.
The SGI FAQs are generously hosted by the
Viz Lab in the
College of Architecture at
Texas A&M University.
Viz Lab /
College of Architecture /
The SGI FAQ group
Last updated $Date: 1996/08/06 01:29:07 $