is established at http://unixology.com/jodeman/.
- January 13th, 2003
Added some photos of Indigo2 Power supplies to the Indigo2 Power Supply page.
- June 11th, 2002
I don't have access to the Unixpower and Geocities sites to update files. Therefore, they are already out of date and will not be updated anytime soon.The two sites that will be updated regularly are the B&B Solutions Inc. mirror and the sgi.mesa-sys.com site.
- April 23rd, 2002
The previously Unixology mirror, now seems to be down. I can't access it anymore.Still don't have access to the Unixpower site to update files. My emails have gone unanswered.
- December 27th, 2001
Added a new page that I'd been meaning to create for a while now. It's of Rare & Unusual SGI-Related Stuff. Good for a chuckle or two..
- October 17th, 2001
A new mirror was recently unveiled at: http://www.unixpower.org/jodeman/I'll be updating the other servers whenever I make a change or fix a broken link. The Unixpower.org site is now out of date and will not be updated because I don't have FTP access to update files on Unixpower.org
My formerly "Unixology" site's URL now leads to a website titled "EURO TEEN SLUTS". I guess someone else registered that domain name. That mirror of this site can only be reached via an IP address: stupid thing is that many search engines have copied entire databases of URLs from each other and out of all the mirrors of my website, the Unixology site is the one that's listed in all of them.
- August 17th, 2001
Added a new page for the new SGI O2+.
- July 9th, 2001
Updated a few links in the HARDWARE section and added a new page called "Jodeman's SGI Part Numbers Collection".
- May 23rd, 2001
Still adding pictures to the various pages in the Hardware Section when I have the time. Coming soon.. I'm thinking of adding pages with SGI Part numbers & pictures. Pretty ambitious considering the time that I have to spend on updating the website these days.I've dumped the "Visual NT" section from the HARDWARE for the time being. It was full of broken links anyway.
- May 8th, 2001
Over the next little while, I will be adding some new pictures to the Systems pages. Whenever I have the time to add them, that is. The friendly folks at B&B Solutions Inc. sent me a fresh supply of pictures that I requested of hardware to go with some pictures that I already had but never bothered to add to the site.Unixology.com still seems to be having DNS problems. My site there can only be reached at the current time at
- March 2nd, 2001
I've added a bunch of new links to the systems' sections in the Hardware Section... mainly to pictures. Also added Ralf Beyers' "Irix 5.3 for Indy" versions to the Irix Versions webpage.Unixology.com seems to be down currently which means that my Unixology mirror is currently.
- July 11th, 2000
Jodeman's SGI & Stuff was awarded the Key Resource award as a "Links2Go Silicon Graphics Key Resource"!
Silicon Graphics
- April 5th, 2000
Added a "My Procedures" section with some procedures that I've written up. Also added a helpful "What version of Irix can be installed on my SGI system? section. Wonder if I've missed anything.
- March 17th, 2000
Added an "Installing Indigo2 Memory" page to the Indigo2 section. Also added an archived copy of Aaron Tunnell's Indigo Guild to the Indigo page. Yes, he's aware that I have it there.
- December 28th, 1999
Added a "Where to Buy SGI?" section and changed most of the title graphics to give it a bit of a shadow.
- September 12th, 1999
OK.. finally found a bit of time to do some maintenance on this website. Wonder if someone would be willing to offer me a maintenance contract to keep this website running smoothly? Tony? Greg? Chris? Anyhow, I split up Miscellaneous SGI Links to form a new FAQs & Other Answers page. I also took this chance to fix some of the broken links leading to Ian's relocated site & to the reorganized SGI/TechPubs. The links to Ian's site are fixed but there are still some TechPub links which I'll get around to fixing eventually.
"If I had $1 for every time I encountered a " Document not found..." broken link message on www.sgi.com , I'd probably buy myself an Indigo2 R10000 Max Impact." - Jodeman, 1998
It used to be ".. buy myself an Octane." but since I've discovered how slow the O2 & Octane can be at power up, I've decided I don't want one.
- May 12th, 1999
Added new link to SGI Corporate Logo graphics page found by Yoshi Makino. Thanks Yoshi!
- May 7th, 1999
Separated links in the SGILINKS section into Personal Sites and Miscellaneous.
- April 18th, 1999
"New" content to the Personal Iris page from an old Silicon Graphics 4D/25S Data Station Info Sheet from SGI.
- April 13th, 1999
The new SGI logos are added to the front page & the SGI Logo page.
- March, 1999
New sections added to Jodeman's Linux & Stuff:
- Linux Books
- Linux Distributions
- Enlightment Section to the Window Managers section.
- WindowMaker Section to the Window Managers section.
- February 24th, 1999
Jodeman adds a new Jodeman's Linux & Stuff section.
- January 15th, 1999
New Section: SGI Visual WinNT Workstations
- January 11th, 1999
Jodeman's SGI & Stuff opens a 3rd mirror site at http://www.bbsolutions.com/jodeman.
- January 2nd, 1999
Added a Quotes section with quotes of what people are saying about Jodeman's SGI & Stuff.
- November 2nd, 1998
Changed links on Indy, Indigo2, Onyx & Challenge pages pointing to the SGI website to the new /remanufactured section that SGI has moved those older, "remanufactured" systems to on it's website.Also contemplating adding a section for peripherals like disk drives, enclosures, DATs, etc.. but will probably trash the idea due to lack of time available for creating the section.
- October 21st, 1998
Thanks to Tony from B&B Solutions Inc. for pointing out that SGI had moved their Indy, Indigo2 sections to a new location on their website. I've also added his SGI Systems Summary to the SGI Links section. Cool system graphics.
- October 20th, 1998
A second Jodeman's SGI & Stuff Mirror site
October 15th, 1998
The Jodeman's SGI & Stuff Mirror site's official URL is finalized at http://sgi.mesa-sys.com.
October 3rd, 1998
Moved Irix and other O/S links from the SGI Software section to it's own new IRIX section.
October 1st, 1998
The Jodeman's SGI & Stuff Mirror Site can be temporarily found at http://www.mesa-sys.com/sgi pending finalizing of the http://sgi.mesa-sys.com site.
September 29th, 1998
Changes all links leading to Ian Mapleson's http://sgi.webcity.nl Mirror site to http://sgi.webguide.nl. Thanks for the suggestion, Ian!
September 24th, 1998
New photos added to the Crimson section kindly contributed by Ralf Gauglitz.
September 7th, 1998
Jodeman adds a VRML section to the Software section on the suggestion of Adam Georgas. Thanks for the suggestion, Adam! Not that many links here yet. Coming soon as soon as I have the time to compile links.
August 20th, 1998
Graphics of an SGI Crimson provided by Ralf are added to the Crimson section.
August 15th, 1998
Jodeman adds a Crimson section to the Hardware section on the suggestion of Ralf Gauglitz. Thanks for the suggestion, Ralf!Also added comp.sys.sgi.*** newsgroups to SGI Links page and new SGI Logos section.
August 13th, 1998
Jodeman publicizes this website for the first time in comp.sys.sgi.marketplace and comp.sys.sgi.misc
August 4th, 1998
Jodeman uploads website to Geocities.
August 1st, 1998
Work resumes this weekend on Jodeman's SGI & Stuff as Jodeman finds a rare bit of spare time. New Section: Software
June 15st, 1998
Work on webpage is temporarily put on hold. Lack of time due to amount of work required to complete another website.
June 1st, 1998
Jodeman conceives the idea of creating Jodeman's SGI & Stuff after seeing similar websites on the WWW.
Jodeman's SGI & Stuff FAQ
- There's nothing but links!
Well.. that's true. It's all I've had time to compile so far. It will become more in-depth as I find the time to work on this site. I'll add some more personal content when I have the time. I have some personal procedures, part numbers lists tho'.. Check 'em out..
- How about putting more pictures?
There are many webpages out there that contain numerous pictures of different systems. I'll add more graphics as time goes on just to give some of the pages some life. However, if someone should like to donate some graphics like Ralf has, I'd be more than happy to add them to the website.
- Can you add my website to your webpage?
Sure.. I'd love to. Just drop me an e-mail and I'd be more than happy to add your page. Respectfully, I'd prefer to hold off on links to VARs, resellers, and other commercial pages for the time being. I might add a section for them later. Y'know what'll happen... the same thing that happened over at Dark Science SGI Hack Page. You add 1-2 resellers and you wake up one morning to an INBOX filled with 200-300 e-mails from various resellers, VARs, etc.. asking to be linked. I'm willing to bet that 95% of those emails that he received did not contain websites with SGI-related information and were mainly of the commercial nature.Keep posted.. I'll most likely change my mind later on as I continue to develop this page.
- I've got a photo of an Indy on my website. Can you link me?
C'mon.. if I added every webpage that I came across with a handful of photos or a casual mention of SGI on it, I'd have a few thousand links. Add some more content and I would love to add it. Tho', if you add a link to my website, it may grease the wheels for me to add a link to yours.. hint, hint.. heh..
- Do you even have an SGI?
At work, I used to have an Indy R4400 150mhz SC workstation loaded with Irix 6.5, 192mb memory, 1gb system disk, 9gb External Disk, 8-bit graphics & IndyCam hooked up to a 20" Granite GDM-20E21 monitor. Nowaday, I make do with an Indigo2 R10000 195mhz SC, Max Impact, 512mb Memory, 2 x 9GB disks. It's sitting right next to my *yawn* Pentium 366mhz PC with 6Gb hard drive & 80mb RAM. At right is an old photo of my Indy & 20" monitor. The quality of the IndyCam capture could probably be better but I didn't feel like fiddling with the settings at the time. The Pentium PC is located under my desk. Boy, if I had a dollar for every time I started typing with the wrong keyboard.. I'd buy one of those new SGI Flat Panel Monitors.At home, I have an Indy R4600 133mhz SC, 8-bit graphics, 2gb disk, 64mb Memory, Indycam with a spare German granite keyboard with Irix 6.5 installed. Most of the important keys are the same. I had to pop off some of the keys and rearrange them.
- You work for SGI or something?
No.. wish I did, tho'. I have no official affiliation with SGI whatsoever aside from being on one of their email mailing lists. I created this site simply cause I like the systems which I encounter daily at work. Also, I wanted to help out the SGI-using community by gathering a bunch of SGI related webpages together in one place for easy reference. A few people have figured out where I work. I won't mention it here. If one can figure it out, congratulations!
- Why don't you have a link to SGI.COM?
Hmm.. good question. I figure that anyone who ends up at my l'il ol' SGI website most likely visits www.sgi.com on a regular basis anyway. There's really no need for my guests to see it yet again. It would be funny if I got a "Document not found." message one day when I visit their homepage.
- Hey.. you've got a broken link..
Like I said above, "If I had $1 for every time I encountered a "Document not found..." broken link message on www.sgi.com , I'd probably buy myself an Octane." They have this habit of re-organizing their website without leaving any forwarding pages to point to the new address. It doesn't matter how many people out there have bookmarks to that particular page. It takes 5 seconds to create a forwarding link. Perhaps one day this summer, if I have some free time, I'll fix all those broken links pointing to moved pages on the Techpubs site.
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