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Silicon Graphics MultiLink Adapter

MultiLink Adapter

Providing Ultimate Versatility
MultiLink enables customers with an existing Silicon Graphics® 1600SW flat panel display to upgrade their display to accept both VGA analog and DVI or DFP digital signals, enabling broad compatibility with many different video cards. A built-in scaling capability ensures that even lower resolution images scale to maximize the SuperWide display on the Silicon Graphics 1600SW flat panel display.

Compatible Graphics Card
MultiLink connects to VGA analog, DFP digital, and DVI digital video cards. For the best possible picture quality, SGI recommends that you pair the MultiLink adapter with a "SuperWide savvy" graphics card. SuperWide savvy cards support the 1600SW display's native 1600x1024 resolution and provide the ultimate image quality.

Unique Features
A convenient on-screen display provides controls for brightness, contrast, color temperature, and other key parameters. And HDTV enthusiasts can view 720p high-definition television signals on on the 1600SW by using MultiLink with an RGB converter.

The Silicon Graphics MultiLink adapter and the Silicon Graphics 1600SW flat panel display are now out of production.


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