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Silicon Graphics MultiLink Adapter
Compatible Graphics Cards

SuperWideTM Savvy

With the addition of the Silicon Graphics MultiLinkTM adapter, your existing Silicon Graphics® 1600SW flat panel display becomes compatible with graphics cards that support standard VESA 60 Hz timings (640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, and 1280x1024). In addition, the industry's leading graphics cards are able to drive the display at its maximum resolution of 1600x1024. Cards that have been qualified to fully utilize the ultrahigh resolution of the 1600SW flat panel display are designated as SuperWide Savvy. The following table lists the current drivers for all SuperWide Savvy cards.

SuperWide Savvy Graphics Cards with DVI Output

The following cards will all output 1600x1024 at 60 Hz when connected to the DVI port. Note: Please read the FAQ listed for each card for important information before selecting a card. Analog mode is not recommended for these cards.

Vendor Graphics Card Recommended
(GeForce 256)
Please refer to NVIDIA FAQ
(Quadro2 MXR)
(Quadro2 Pro)
3D Prophet DDR/DVI
(GeForce 256)
Please refer to NVIDIA FAQ
3D Prophet II Ultra
(GeForce 2 Ultra)
3D Prophet III
(GeForce 3) -- see NVIDIA FAQ
Matrox Millennium G400 with required DVI daughter card* Windows® 98
Windows NT® 4.0
Windows 2000
Requires latest drivers and BIOS update 2.07
Apple® G4 Cube OS 9.1 Apple FAQ
G4 with Rage 128 Pro OS 9.1
G4 with NVIDIA GeForce2 MX OS 9.1
Windows NT 4.0
Windows 2000
Requires the latest drivers

SuperWide Savvy Graphics Cards with analog output

The following cards will all output 1600x1024 at 60 Hz when connected to the analog port. Note: Please read the FAQ listed for each card for important information before selecting a card. Digital mode is not recommended for these cards.

Vendor Graphics Card Recommended
Apple Power Book G3 2000
Power Book G4 Titanium
OS 9.1 Apple FAQ
Matrox Millennium G450* Windows 98
Windows NT 4.0
Windows 2000
Requires latest drivers and BIOS update
MARGI Systems Display-to-Go Windows® 98
Windows ME
Windows 2000
Mac® OS 9.1
More Info

*When using the Matrox G400 and G450, the 1600SW with Silicon Graphics MultiLink must be the primary display head. SGI does not recommend using the 1600SW with Silicon Graphics MultiLink in a dual-head configuration with these cards.

The following graphics cards are SuperWide Savvy, but connect to the 1600SW without the use of the Silicon Graphics MultiLink adapter:

Formac ProFormance 3 Mac OS
3Dlabs Oxygen VX1-1600SW Windows 98/ME
Windows NT
Windows 2000
Number Nine Revolution IV Windows 98
Windows NT
Windows 2000

Why SuperWide?
One of the most immediately apparent distinctions between Silicon Graphics 1600SW and standard LCDs is its wide aspect ratio. Most CRTs and LCDs have an aspect ratio of 1.25:1, width to height, while the aspect ratio of the 1600SW is 1.6:1. The wide format has no impact on the way applications are run; the extra screen width simply allows users to see and have access to 25% more information while working. With the 1600SW, users can display two pages side by side with total clarity. The extra width also allows ample room for color palettes and application toolboxes, without crowding or overlap.


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